Bayard's Cove Fort

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Let’s paint a quick picture for you.

It’s the 16th-century. Henry VIII is on the throne of England and war is brewing in the distance.

The people of Dartmouth feel unsafe, imagining ships sailing down the River Dart, past two imposing castles to take over their lands.

They need a second line of defence, with cannons to blow enemy ships out of the water.

The answer, Bayard’s Cove Fort.

Signs of Bayard’s Cove Fort’s old life

Now under the management of English Heritage, when you arrive at the fort, you can see the small archways the cannons would’ve sat under, waiting to be fired.

The noise would’ve been immense, a loud and echoing explosion reverberating between the hills running alongside the river.

We think the soft washing of water over rocks, seagulls calling overhead and the murmur of its ancient past are slightly more pleasant than the ear-shattering cannon fire of long ago.

Spectacular surrounding views

But even if you’re not all that interested in the fort’s history, we’re pretty sure the views you're met by will be well worth your visit.

Unadulterated scenes along the river are dotted with little boats gliding on gentle waves heading out towards the English Channel.

The houses of Kingswear, the village across the river, perch on the hill opposite the fort in direct view.

Whichever way you look, no matter if the sun is shining or clouds are rolling overhead, the views of the surrounding area are magnificent.

It won’t take long to explore the fort, but we think it’s a great way of breaking up your day out in Dartmouth.

A moment's peace in your day

The old walls and stunning views have an odd way of bringing a moment's peace to the day, making you stop briefly before your adventures continue.

With all the hustle and bustle of a growing modern town around it, the fort sits in the middle, watching it all unfold.

It's a silent reminder for us to be still a moment, to sit back and just admire the view.

So why not give it a go?

If you’re in Devon wondering what to do, Bayard’s Cove Fort is a lovely little pit stop along your travels.

1 Castle Steps House,
Bayards Cove,
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