Cadair Idris National Nature Reserve

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There are not many places in the world like Cadair Idris. That becomes quite obvious as soon as you arrive.

You’re welcomed first by woodlands, which immediately fill you with quiet awe, and that feeling is unlikely to wear off the whole time you’re here.

Where to start?

There are lots of trails to head off down, each with its own unique beauty and particular wonder.

The Dol Idris Lake walk and the Parkland Circuit are perfect if you’re after a slightly more leisurely stroll.

Both paths take you through the serene natural landscape of the Snowdonia National Park, without too much huffing and puffing involved.

To the summit we go!

If you’re up for something slightly more challenging, we think you’ll find it along Minffordd Path.

The trail winds its way up through the mountains of Cadair Idris, until you reach the summit above.

It’s a six-mile route and involves some pretty rugged and steep terrain, so be sure you come well equipped with the right gear.

The trail begins under a lush canopy of woodland, stretching over you like a gentle hug.

You'll hear the sound of crashing waters before you see them, but soon the waterfall which accompanies you for the first stretch of the walk comes into view.

Climb further and the land starts to open: spectacular views of Wales spanning further and further with every step.

You’re met at the top by the rocky summit of Penygadair, one of the tallest mountains in Wales. If you haven’t been left speechless along your adventure yet, get ready to now.

The mountain effect

Time stops for a while when you’re stood on the summit. Worries and stresses are swept away by the crisp mountain air and all that fills your mind is peace.

We live in our own little world a lot of the time and everything outside our own vision gets lost. But standing atop a mountain, it’s impossible not to see the world at large, and what a beautiful one it is.

At some point, your adventure around Cadair Idris must come to an end, a cup of tea and a nice warm bed calling you back home.

But we have a feeling this won’t be your last time exploring these mountains. In fact, we’re quite positive you’ll be planning which trail to head out on next before you’re even back on the road.

Ty Te Cadair Tea Room,
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Paid parking, Toilets, Cafe