Carswell Medieval House

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A glimpse of a more modest life

We know castles are extremely cool. With their turrets winding high up into the sky, it's impossible not to be fascinated by these wonders of the old world.

We even reckon you’ve walked down your fair share of ruined castle hallways yourself, with a royal pep in your step declaring “off with his head” to whoever dares cross your path.

But kings and queens, jesters and knights were just one part of the medieval period. And really, haven’t you always wondered what it would’ve been like for a person living a slightly more modest life?

Step back in time

Down south Wales country roads, in between Carew and Saundersfoot in the county of Pembrokeshire, there’s a house that’ll provide you with a glimpse into the lives of the everyday people living in the 15th-century.

A relic of humble medieval times

Carswell Medieval House looks good for its age, considering it’s more than 600 years old.

The moss-covered bricks radiate a sense of wisdom developed by time, watching the lives of people coming and going while never questioning to provide a home for them all.

From outside the building, the chimney stretching up the back of the building is unmistakable. Its been the spine holding up the stone and mortar of the building for its long life.

Climb the few steps to the floor above and you’ll be met by a strikingly recognisable fireplace.

Standing there, where families would’ve all gathered on cold winter nights for warmth and conversation is a truly strange sensation. It’s a moment bound to humble you and leave you nostalgically reminiscing of what life was like hundreds of years ago.

Surrounded by the modern buildings of the resident farm, the house is an anchor in time, showing us where we came from while the buildings around it reveal just how far we've come.

Be sure to be respectful of the animals roaming the field on your explorations as farming continues to be the main purpose of the area.

Worth the pit-stop

It’s a quick visit, but sure to be one you won’t forget anytime soon. If you’re passing by, it’s well worth a short pit stop before your adventure continues.

A moment looking through the ancient keyhole into a world which many of us can't even comprehend is definitely worth the effort and you'll be leaving knowing it was time well spent.

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