Coed Llangwyfan

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Mountain peaks and valley floors

At Coed Llangwyfan in North Wales, just a few miles east of Denbigh – treetops and wildlife cover a steep hillside, one of the many which make up part of the Clwydian Range.

But when the treeline breaks for a moment, the surrounding vale falls away and the land below stretches into the distance, giving you uninterrupted views of North Wales’ remarkable natural beauty.

Back into the woods

The Coed Llangwyfan Walk is waymarked right from the moment you step out of the car.

The trail passes alongside huge conifers which fall away down steep banks to one side, and climb above you on the other.

Bare branches interweave with one another under the shade of the needly foliage above.

It’s like looking into an intricate spider’s web, and when the sun sits low – it cuts through in a thousand beams of light.

Where history and nature sit side-by-side

You’ll find two other walks at Coed Llangwyfan - the Penycloddiau and the Moel Arthur Circular trail. These walks tie in the natural beauty of the area with its alluring history.

Discover the remains of two hillforts sitting watch over the whole area. They stand above the treetops like a flag above a castle, the vast landscape stretching out into the distance.

The panoramic views encompass every breathtaking inch of the Clwydian Range and the Dee Valley Area of Outstanding Beauty (AONB).

After the climb, we think you deserve a bit of a rest, and you couldn’t find many lovelier spots than this.

Nature is never far away

Adventure is never far away in the Dee Valley AONB, every week there are different trails to explore and wildlife to discover.

But don’t be surprised if you find yourself being drawn back to Coed Llangwyfan, because every visit simply sparks the inspiration for the next.

Rhiwbebyll Bella,
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