Dryslwyn Castle

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Castles and their hills usually come hand in hand.

Strategic placement, demonstrations of power and wealth, castle walls are a lot trickier to capture when you have to go up a big hill first.

Dryslwyn Castle epitomises this more than many.

Welsh hills and valleys can be seen rolling away in the distance, but the hill Dryslwyn stands on suddenly rises out of the flat land surrounding it.

Short, sheer grass slopes rise up and fall right back down the other side, Dryslwyn Castle perched on top like a Welsh dragon watching the world go by.

Ruins of a mighty fortress

Approaching the castle from the road, you’ll spot the ruins up high, giving you the impression of what a mighty fortress Dryslwyn would’ve been during its time.

But crossing the River Tywi, a quick glance into the water’s reflection and the ruins, ebbing and wavering in the current, seem to grow.

Silhouettes of broken towers reach up towards the sky, only to be met by clouds.

The distant, long gone voices of past traders and merchants from Llandeilo and travellers from Carmarthen are carried by the wind. Echoes of people gathering in front of the castle gates.

You’ll soon be getting swept up in the castle’s long history.

The River Tywi below

Once you’ve parked the car at the base of the hill and climbed to the top, Dryslwyn Castle really starts to shine. The views are phenomenal.

Follow the River Tywi as it runs below, carving its way down through the valley, into the Welsh countryside.

See if you can spot Paxton Tower south-west of Dryslwyn, standing impressively on an opposite hill.

When you finally stop being hypnotised by the beauty of the south Wales countryside, the castle grounds wait to be explored.

Through narrow corridors and beside crumbling ancient stone walls, under arching doorways, and along the castle walls, your adventure around the castle grounds is bound to leave you feeling like a true explorer.

Take a moment when you're stood atop the castle walls, looking out over the land. Take a deep breath of the fresh countryside air and be still for a while.

A picnic with siege views

When your archaeologist tool kit is packed away for the day, settle down on one of the green patches through the castle and pull out the sandwiches.

It’s a truly peaceful spot to enjoy some post-exploration food and let both little and long legs take a well-deserved break.

Originally built by the Welsh in the 1220’s, in 1287 King Edward I came with 11,000 troops to lay siege to the castle.

Eating your sandwich surrounded by the peaceful views, picturing that many soldiers surrounding you is a mind-boggling thought.

Sneak your way back down from the castle, making sure to avoid any soldier before making your speedy escape.

Dryslwyn Lodge,
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