Glyndŵr's Way

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Ready for an adventure?

Laces tied, map spread out in front of you, bag double-checked and strapped up.

Waiting for you is Glyndŵr’s Way, a trail that’s going to take you up hills and down through valleys, beside lakes of clearest blue, and into towns steeped in history.

All that’s left is for you to take that first step. To feel the crunch of trail underfoot and the rhythm of your legs begin to drive you forward.

A country to be proud of

Becoming an official National Trail in 2000, the walk is a reference to Owain Glyndŵr who in 1400 led a revolt against the English rule of Wales.

Referred to by some as the “first Welsh Nationalist”, you’ll be sure to see why Owain was so proud and fought so hard for his country.

Begin by sweeping through the Welsh countryside, under woodland and forest, along hills and through valleys.

A place so beautiful and filled with such wonder, it’s bound to fill you with awe and passion for nature on your doorstep.

Enjoy beautiful scenery

Starting off near the English-Welsh border at Knighton, you’ll meander your way along 135 miles until reaching the end at the town of Welshpool.

But don't worry, you don't have to walk the whole thing to enjoy the beauty it offers.

If it’s a day out walking in the countryside with a picnic you're after, this is the perfect spot.

Stick the little one’s comfiest shoes on, grab the dog lead and plenty of water, it’s sure to be a walk you’ll be returning to after you’re rewarded with the views and scenery on offer.

Fuelled by ice cream

Taking on the trail in its entirety will take around nine days to complete.

With campsites and B&B’s along the way, you can choose whether it’s a full return to nature you’re after or a night of rest in accommodation before your return to the trail.

Whatever you choose, you’ve got to pay a visit to some of the pubs along the way to enjoy the food and/or drink, you’ll definitely have earned it!

With stop-offs in towns such as Machynlleth and Llanidloes, you’ll also get the chance to discover the stunning architecture and towns of Mid Wales.

Not to mention the mesmerizing happiness that is bound to fill your heart as you admire the soft whirls of some local ice cream in your grasp at one of the many parlours along the way.

A walk along Glyndŵr’s Way is a moment of peace.

Out on the trail, at times surrounded by trees, at others stood awestruck before the hills and valleys rising and falling ahead.

The trail will fill you with an appreciation that is not easily put into words for the natural beauty of the Welsh countryside.