Immersive LDN

PLEASE NOTE: This is an Immersive LDN experience and is very different to an ordinary theatre experience. Visitors are likely to have issues with accessibility and should keep this in mind when booking your visit.  

Time Lords below London

Like the Time Lord that’s made this place his new home, U.N.I.T. has changed its face more than a few times over the years.

Originally a warehouse and antiques market, after sustaining damage in the London bombings during World War II, the building sat in wait for a certain age-defying Gallifreyan to come by and set up shop.

And wherever the Doctor goes, trouble soon follows. Doctor Who: Time Fracture is a story that’s going to take you across time, from the 1940’s Blitz raids into the modern world. You’ll come face to face with Daleks and Cybermen trying to destroy the planet we call our home and have to work alongside Time Lords to save the day. But really, it’s you who’ll have to be the hero on this adventure - reckon you can help?

Walk through the world of the Doctor

For sci-fi fans, there’s truly nothing like it. When Saturday night rolled around, we thought the clock couldn’t tick fast enough. Where was he going to be in this episode? More importantly, when was he going to be? Until finally, spiralling through the cosmos and beside stars, the Tardis appeared on screen accompanied by that unmistakable music.

And now at U.N.I.T, you can experience it all for yourself. Wander through 1940’s London, along the hallways of the Tardis and perhaps even meet the Doctor himself. Whatever’s in store, it’s a theatre performance truly like no other. The weight of the world rests on your shoulders.

The Great Gatsby at Immersive LDN

Immersive LDN have been leading the scene of immersive theatre performances since their spectacular show The Great Gatsby, the UK's longest-ever running immersive production.

Arriving at the mansion, you’re met by the art deco design of 1920’s America. Golden “JG” plaques line the wall where other intricate patterns weave across one another. It’s almost inevitable the Charleston soon takes hold and you don't even realise your arms swinging and legs kicking until it's too late.

You might even be lucky enough to be welcomed by the old sport himself. Or we’re sure you’ll meet him wandering the shelves of his library.

Who knows if the Doctor is as good a host as Gatsby? You’ll have to find that out for yourself. Although we do think he might be slightly occupied with saving the world and all. So instead of a cocktail and a dance, you might just have to prepare yourself for a conversation on the run.

Doctor Who: Time Fracture,
19 South Molton Lane,
London W1K 5LE
Show on Google Maps

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