Mortimer Forest

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There’s a lot of exploring to do at Mortimer Forest and a lot of ways to go about it.

The forest covers 1000 hectares across the Shropshire/ Herefordshire border and is made up of vast and everchanging environments.

Constantly changing landscapes

At times, you’ll make your way under green skies of stretching broadleaves, and then abruptly it’s the conifers that welcome you. Their branchless, leafless bottoms allow you to see right into the depths of the forest.

Then suddenly the treeline falls behind and the land opens up, basked in sunlight.

The different environments play a critical role in supporting the diversity of the forest. Open lands filled with brambles and shrubs make it the perfect spot to watch butterflies dancing above the earth.

If you’re lucky and quiet enough, you might even spot the longhaired fallow deer passing by in the distance.

The quiet noises of the forest

There’s something about the quiet that surrounds you at Mortimer Forest that never grows old.

The little noises of the forest come and go, backdrops of different birds calling from treetops are scattered by the rustle of animals scurrying across the woodland floor. But the constant throughout is the crunching earth below your feet.

Which trail will it be?

Whether it’s a slower approach you’re taking or you’re out for a run, the trails in Mortimer Forest welcome all levels and abilities.

Vinnalls easy access trail is a great one if you’re feeling like a gentle stroll and we think if you’re after something more challenging, you’ll find it along the nine-mile Climbing Jack trail.

Challenge yourself

The Ludlow parkrun takes place in the Mortimer Forest and if you’re looking for an even bigger challenge, why not give it a go?

Whether you end up running or walking, it doesn't really matter. Being surrounded by nature is the true victory and you achieved that with your first step.

Forestry Commission,
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