New Forest

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You'll be itching to pack your bag, jump in the car, and head to New Forest when you realise all the adventures in store for you.

The biggest area of lowland heathland in the UK, you'll find plenty of things to do here from camping and horse riding to cycling and picture-perfect picnic spots.

Pitch up in the forest

If you're truly looking for an adventure, you can stay the night here. Listen to the 'twit-twoo' of the owl as you get cosy inside your tent.

We'd definitely recommend taking a moment to lie on the soft grass and discover how much brighter the stars are at the Crown Lands of the New Forest.

Eating outdoors with the lovely animals

Hear the birds singing and the grass rustling as the golden sunlight shines over you, inviting you to close your eyes and rest. Experience this wonderful treat at Knightwood Oak or Anderwood - you can't get two better spots for a stunning picture.

Breathe in the fresh air

You'll be able to experience the forest from a different perspective as you cycle at Wilverley, which instantly revitalises you.

The smell of nature all around you will keep you going as you carve a path through towering trees.

Reconnect with nature

Find yourself falling in love with mother nature at the New Forest when the sunshine plays with the shade between the gorgeous trees.

Asking yourself why this ancient place is called the New Forest? Well, William the Conqueror created it as his hunting forest and called it 'Nova Foresta', which resulted in its English name - 'New Forest'.

Although it's not nearly as new as it once was, a trip to the New Forest is always bound to help you escape from your busy lifestyle for a few hours, and will be waiting for you whenever you need it.

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