Nine Ladies Stone Circle

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An adventure through the Peak District is enough to leave anyone headed back home revitalised by the beauty of nature; your wanderlust needs met for the day.

But if you find yourself roaming the high grounds of Stanton Moor in Derbyshire, along trails winding through the purple-heather-filled ground, you’re about to discover the Peak District like never before.

The story of the Nine Ladies

For hundreds of years now, the Nine Ladies Stone Circle has been attracting curious souls looking for the spectacular.

As the story goes: nine women were dancing on Sunday, the day of the Sabbath.

In mid twirl, feet a flutter and hair billowing in the wind, they were turned to stone, forever to watch over the hills of the Peak District.

As punishment goes, they could’ve done way worse. They’ve had the beauty of Stanton Moor to look out over for more than 3000 years.

The circle has stood by and watched as the old trees you see today grew from just tiny saplings.

Meet ‘Bill Stumps’

There’s something about ancient monuments that never fails to fill you with an odd sense of nostalgia and wonder all at the same time.

Around 40 metres away from the Nine Ladies is another curious feature you could easily miss if you didn’t know about it.

The King Stone is said to be the fiddler who played for the ladies, because who can dance without a few tunes, right?

If you go by what’s inscribed on the stone, its name is ‘Bill Stumps’ - quite appropriate really.

Like most of the ancient monuments dating back to the Bronze Age, the purpose of the site has been lost over the centuries.

Whether it was a place of worship, a site of ceremony, a meeting point for local communities, or the stories are indeed true – you’ll have to let your imagination decide that.

The pub awaits

You’ll find parking just northeast from the village of Birchover nearby, and from there it’s around a one-mile walk through woodlands and across fields, hopping the occasional stile along the way.

After all that adventuring, we think stopping off at the pub will be just the end to the day you’ve had.

You’ll be pleased to discover at the heart of Birchover is The Druid Inn; if you’re after some incredible food or a wonderful pint, there’s no better place to finish up.

The call of the Nine Ladies never fully leaves you after your first visit. Luckily, they’ll always be waiting for your return, to watch them once again dancing on top of the world.

Lees Road,
Stanton Moor,
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