Osborne House

Osborne House

Get your tickets now to Osborne House and you'll be wandering through its magnificent halls in no time. 

Ticket prices cover a range of ages, and family tickets are the perfect way to keep costs down. 

We have some of the cheapest tickets you'll find anywhere online - grab them now so you don't miss out.

Need some more inspiration? Keep reading to see what we thought.

Home of royalty

Nestled just off the coast on the Isle of Wight, among woodlands and immaculate gardens, Osborne House brings a royal flair to the already remarkable island.

The house was built for Queen Victoria and her husband Albert in the mid-19th-century, encapsulating their tastes and desires.

The Italianate design comes from Albert’s interests, whereas the Durbar Room is a tribute to India, a land Queen Victoria adored.

Now, everything from the gardens to the beach and the house itself, are open for you to explore.

Stroll from room to room, wandering around the house with the simple aim of discovering what lies around the next corner.

The lavish opulence of the house is obvious from the moment you see it, rising up on the isle. Then, when you step inside and every spare inch of space seems to be decorated, it becomes clear just how rich and powerful the British Empire was.

To the beach!

The house was made for the pleasure of the King and Queen, and now, it invites all to do the same.

After you’ve explored the house, pay a visit to the Terrace Restaurant or Petty Officers’ Quarters café for something to eat. Then, it’s time to make your way to the beach!

With the Solent and mainland England stretching away in front of you, Queen Victoria’s Beach is the ideal place to throw down the towels and lounge out in the sun.

Plus, there’s an ice cream parlour there waiting to serve you up some cone-filled joy.

The perfect treat to end the day!

York Avenue,
East Cowes PO32 6JT
  • Free Parking
  • Toilets
  • Café
  • Beach
  • Ice Cream Parlour 

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