Soho Theatre

Soho Theatre is in the heart of London with our year-round festival-like programme, at festivals or through our national and international touring.

They produce and co-produce new plays, work with associate artists and present the best new emerging theatre companies. They present the early work of countless UK artists (many who go on to be industry giants). And we are the go-to for many international artists’ London debuts.

They have artists on attachment and under commission (Soho Six). Plus they have a thriving Young Company of writers, theatre-makers and comedy groups.

Soho Theatre has two Awards: the prestigious biennial writing competition the Verity Bargate Award, and the Tony Craze Award for our Writers’ Labs participants. They read and see hundreds of shows a year and work in local boroughs.

Soho Theatre,
Soho Theatre Co,
21 Dean Street W1D 3NE
Show on Google Maps
