Going Solo In London

8 November 2021

London awaits!

Heading out solo on a trip to London may seem daunting at first, especially if you’ve never travelled by yourself before.  

But an adventure solo is quite different from any other. You can have a meticulous plan of everything you want to cover, or simply turn up in the capital on a whim; have a wander and see where it leads you.  

That’s one of the best parts about it. You get to decide everything, you have the freedom to explore, eat, go wherever you like with no worries about anything else.  

You get to be as spontaneous as you like, and in that is a freedom unlike any other.  

If you do need a little inspiration of where to start though, we’ve got you covered. 

Where to first?

The museums of London are renowned throughout the world. From the British Museum, to the Natural History Museum, all the way to the Victoria and Albert Museum – there’s plenty of famous ones to head to for an intriguing stroll.   

But away from the hotspots are museums of a slightly more niche variety. Adore the cinema? Take yourself off to The Cinema Museum on Dugard Way in Kennington for a deep dive into the art of film.  

Or are illustrations more your thing? The Cartoon Museum on Wells St in Westminster will leave you astounded at the incredible art that can be created with just a pencil and some paper. 

The thing is, wherever your interest lie, there’s probably a museum relating to it in London. And by yourself, you can enjoy every moment of your trip there; taking as long as you like to ponder over a piece because you can. 

In fact, that’s the great thing no matter what museum you go to. If you’re one for daydreaming or taking your time, you have the freedom to do just that, without the worry of holding anyone up. 

Dining in peace 

Where to eat can sometimes be the hardest part about exploring a new place, especially if the people you’re travelling with have a completely different food preference. 

Dining alone doesn’t have to be as scary as it may first seem. In fact, it’s quite wonderful.  

Your food arrives, and in the peace of your own company you have all the time in the world to savour every, delicious bite.  

But if you’re on the move, head to Borough Market and simply wander around all the stalls, filling yourself up on a smorgasbord of delicious food from all over the world.  

Or find yourself in Old Spitalfields Market and your dining experience will inevitably cross over with hunting out some antiques and unique finds to take back home with you.  

Do what you love

This is your time really to do what you love. Browse the shelves of an independent bookshop before taking your purchase to a café and sitting in peace with your steaming latte.  

Jump on a Brit Movie or Imagine Experiences tour and discover a side of the city away from the hotspots, before heading for the pub for a few pints.  

The hardest part if you’ve never done anything like this before is taking that first step. But once you’re out there, wandering around an attraction or strolling down a street – you’ll start to see just how amazing travelling solo can be.  

A moments courage can take you a long way

We can all sometimes fall into the habit of sticking to our comfort zones, where anything outside that is pushed aside as something that’s ‘not my thing’.  

But when you do step outside it, in whatever capacity – be that heading into London by yourself or anything that makes you feel slightly anxious – the world opens up just that little more. 

And the experiences that come with that are incredibly valuable. Experiences lead to memories, and that’s what years down the line you’ll look back on with a smile across your face; a warm feeling spreading over your heart.  

All it takes is committing to that first step. So how about it?